Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Here is a great set of Bike Fit tools. For your bike to bike fits and the dimensions that matter for Road and TT fits.


If your set in your position awesome. If not, get fit.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Team Ride - Saturday May 1

What: LG 4/5 Team ride
When: Saturday April 30, ROLL OUT at 7:30AM (Roughly 3 hours round trip)
Where: Meet at San Vicente and Ocean, ride to Trancas and back, mellow pace. Riders can split off into climbing rides after Trancas if they want.

Pre-ride coffee at 6:45, Peets @ Montana and 14th

Thanks, hope to see you there!!


Saturday, March 13, 2010

Mulholland repair

Progress on Mulholland repair photographed March 14 by Brooks Paley.

Monday, February 15, 2010

¡¿How to Get your Power up?! - and your bike fit down!

We will be tweaking "Bike fit" with a number of Gents.
We have a fit genius not a regular consultation from Steven Carre of Bike Effect

Details are now all on Facebook event page. Please RSVP  to save a spot for you.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Plan Ahead.

Every Year folks are "surprised" or worse left out when they miss the Canondale Bike, Rudy project or other Pro- racer deals.

Sept OCT. - Canondale Bike
365- Rudy for LG racers.
Helen's night. Feb.
Helen's night. Fall
Pro deals.
Pro program is managed by LG sponsorship contact here

Thursday, January 28, 2010

How do I know who's racing what.

Have you have entered your A B and C event this year? You should do it Here. Priority TeamLG events are *A* listed for the year. To keep the list fresh We have about 60 days of races listed plus all *A* races.

Now you are able to start "filtering" to see who's racing. Take a look, You can see all entries or filter any way you want.
To filter: use the drop down list in the first row. As you filter, By name, Cat, Name & Cat, Any and/or none - the listing becomes more focused.
To keep past races off the listing - choose- "blank"  

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Cat 3/4/5 2010 Race Planning Meeting Info

WHAT: LaGrange Team 4/5 2010 Race Season Planning Meeting
WHEN: Wednesday, January 20th at 7:00 PM
WHERE: Tacos Por Favor (chosen for low-key atmosphere, inexpensive menu, and access to seating for everyone without getting rushed out)
Olympic Blvd and 14th Street, Santa Monica
Map: http://tinyurl.com/lg45tacos

Thursday, January 21, 2010

2010 review, "Who's in", email, Race Roster, Searching, Tent, Feed Zone -rant

All Racers - or new to Team LG 
"Who's in" racing this race 
Email lists
Settings for email delivery
Searching for a topic - old email on the groups
Upgrades - Cat changes, moved or changed a phone number.
Facebook, Twitter
Blog, Calendar
Where is the Tent 
Feed Zone Supplies

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

2010 rule book and JR gearing

From our local top official we have our USA cycling 2010 rule book here.

Specifically for the JR - The 2010 rules for Junior Gears can be found on pages 53-54

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Who's racing - sign up

Directly on the Google Sign up web page

Who's on the LG train. Who's IN

This is who has Reg'ed at SoCalReg.comjavascript:void(0)

To reg for Any SCNCA event Register here

Thursday, January 7, 2010

power geeks

In an attempt to balance fitness with overeating over the holidays, I got on the relatives' treadmill. I know, specificity, running VO2Max doesn't equal cycling VO2Max. I found I was in Z5 at 6-6.5mph, or 500+ cal/hr. Gone are the days of 7 minute miles.

I found a cool site which you can plug in your parameters.
In short, 24mph requires about 280W, and about 1000 cal/hr, significantly higher than running. FWIW, the power estimates for this calculation are higher than analyticcycling, so YMMV. Time to ramp up the training.


Twitter / teamlg