Thursday, January 21, 2010

2010 review, "Who's in", email, Race Roster, Searching, Tent, Feed Zone -rant

All Racers - or new to Team LG 
"Who's in" racing this race 
Email lists
Settings for email delivery
Searching for a topic - old email on the groups
Upgrades - Cat changes, moved or changed a phone number.
Facebook, Twitter
Blog, Calendar
Where is the Tent 
Feed Zone Supplies

All Racers - Each racer should be listed in three places. Team Roster, TeamLG, Your Race Team LG (Team Cat"X")s Team5, Team4, Team3 
Race Roster- We need your emergency contact info on the Roster. (newguy start here or provide any update or upgrade info here. ESP emergency contact info. 
Who's in-  We'll send mail, but if you planned ahead - Use this form
results are here ... "Bookmark" this perhaps? 

Email lists/Web BBS - For subscriptions - Read the bottom of EVERY Yahoo group mail... You'll notice account settings ---> You can choose if you want to receive team mail or unsubscribe from a list.
Manage subscriptions below: Manage volume or frequency of mail "Text-Only",• "Daily Digest" • "Web BBS list only" "Unsubscribe"

Team LG (All racing Cat's) for all racers (everyone).
(Searchable mail for the TeamLG)

Read on-line with yahoo Username & PW

Team LG Cat 3's
(Searchable mail for the Cat3's) 
Subscribe: teamlg3-subscribe@yahoogroups.comUnsubscribe:
Read on-line with yahoo Username & PW

Team LG Cat 4's 
(Searchable mail for the Cat4's)
Subscribe:  teamlg4-subscribe@yahoogroups.comUnsubscribe: Read on-line with yahoo Username & PW
Team LG Cat 5's (Searchable mail for the Cat5's)
Subscribe: teamlg5-subscribe@yahoogroups.comUnsubscribe:
Read on-line with yahoo Username & PW

More Lists
Mountain Bike Listing (Searchable mail for the MTBer's) (open list no LG membership restrictions.)
Velo Club La Grange (for LG members only) (Searchable mail for all VcLGer's)
LG track (Searchable mail for all trackies (open list - no LG membership restrictions.)

Note on lists and mail- all list and mail in considered "Club public" and is also viewed by Mod's and the BOD members who race or direct racing. Have fun, but be respectful to our sponsors and team members. 

Setting for YahooGroups eMail Delivery (manage delivery of your subscriptions) Your personal settings can be set on each group list - either individual email, or "daily digest" one mail per day or 12 topics or "web only". You can set it in YahooGroupsManage
VeloClubLaGrange -daily digest
teamlg - daily digest
teamlg4 - Individual Emails  
mtb - Web only.
Searching - Interested in what happen last year or history on a subject- Try searching the email archive on a group. It pays to look at the big VCLG Yahoo group as it has years of history! These team lists are over a year old, but soon your mail is history too. With your insight, it creats good history - we each create a great furtre. Try searching the blog too - we are testing our own custom search tool -it has an interesting bent that it is "LG cycling centric" and stacks searches from sites we may want results from first. 

Upgrades and - Cat Changes -For Cat changes: Change you info on the Roster. --> Unsubscribe to the cat ---> cat 5 --> Subscribe to the Cat, Cat4 ---> notify our LG web master.  Done! 

Twitter -

If you have a twitter account, go to, and click "follow".
You can also sign in to Twitteriffic or Tweetie on your iphone, and post updates to the LG feed. This means anyone with a relatively smart phone can post updates with real-time race action.
The login is: teamlg
Password: XXXXXXX ---> ask the captain.
I'm pretty sure we can all be signed in through an iphone twitter app at the same time, though we cannot all add our actually cell phones to the account. We'll just have to sign the tweet with initials so we know who's posting...

Facebook LaGrange Race Team on Facebook
LG friends on Facebook 

Blog - Blog your world use it- Yes this is it, but if you look around you'll find more. The blog is the Teams Blog your ideas, interest and excursions are welcomed on here. TeamLG members are encouraged to blog. try it yourself. You can save a post while it's being perfected. and edit until it's ready-  or put out a rant of your own. Let's keep it interesting not just dry stuff like this. Blogger uses the same Username & PW as the Roster, Calendar, Google docs. all the same. Please - Make it fun.

Tent, Common Property -
ROMA Body Shop Svc
1511 S Barrington Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90025

The tent should be brought back to this location with in a couple (2) days. If you are not returning the tent to the shop yourself, you should make sure to have a contact and communicate on (race day) about the transfer of ownership. The guy who picks it up the tent is responsible to return it unless a team-mate takes ownership and responsiblities.

Most of the 4/5 races are early, and the 3's are later. So generally we need to establish communication if a 4 or 5 picks it up, and a 3 agrees to return the tent at the end of the race day.
No leaving it without anyone around. (one tent was lost couple years back)

Road Race Supplies- Water Bottles, Water cooler, Feed Zone:Rant I'm going out on a limb here. We all need road race support, and I'd suggest we are all better for the group supporting the group - as long as we agree to help one another. I'll present the following:
Make sure the guys in the feed aren't "buying you lunch."
Electrolytes aren't free. Ice and bottled water is paid for generally, not donated, and the feed zone folks are working for you. Individual bottle handlers are rarely an individual success in a busy feed (many of us remember busy zones -like Sisquoc, Bakersfield RR, SDSR, or Devil's Punchbowl) 4 feeders for 8-9 guys seem about right. Flat feeds need more folks; big climbs feeding spreads out.

At the End of the day- Make sure that the feeders are not out of pocket. Each road race we can pool resources or "go it alone" lets work the team angle here too.  PS asking for a particular bottle with "Super Electrozip-aid" on a particular lap... is not likely to happen End Rant.

Water Bottle - "Bottles in Bottles out" Just like a dirty little wheel pit.
Feed zoneres are asked to fill and pass out bottles. We began the season with all new nice LG shiny bottles. after 6-8 feeds we have a selection of every bottle known to man.

  • Supplies: 5 gal water cooler, Electrolytes, Water, Ice, Bottles, small cardboard box for bottle staging, Table, Chair, Tent (maybe), Trash Bags - you will want a trash bag - trust me no one wants dirty bottles rolling around the car on the way home.
  • The drill: Fill the Water cooler with ice $3.00, add water when you're in the feed zone. $10.00 (don't spill 5 gallons in the car)
  • The Feed: In the feed, fill bottles, Electrolytes, Water - Fill the, box with bottles for a multi-person feed.
  • Clean up and restock: At the end or as you go, collect bottles; many bottles we will know are obviously LG bottles; from the teamLG racers etc. Remove left over contents, close the lids, and trash bag um' for a dishwasher wash- with a cap full of liquid bleach. (bleach kills everything dead)
  • Post dishwasher Dry bottles storage upside down in a clean box. all caps in a ziplock bag w/holes for air out. Ready for the next feed.
  • Long term (between RR Storage) -?- Usually the feeders place or Mario's Auto Body.
The team tent is a fixture that LG has provided the race team. It should be used often as it promotes a center point and supports our racers & sponsors- we all have access- Here is the scoop. We have one Team 3/4/5 tent, it is available at Mario Seri's shop. Mario is LG's 2009 60+ California State champion. Bear! (and not his first bear either, he'll chat your ear off and you may like it. Nice, nice guy! )

The tent is available for pick up 9-5 weekdays. Most Saturdays until noon (call to be sure on Saturday) I've been bummed more than once by not calling. Mario Seri

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Twitter / teamlg