Saturday, August 23, 2008

Epic Ride pics

Not many pics were taken, and hopefully there will be video to follow, but it was a great ride. Definitely epic. There were bee stings (Marc), flats (Marc), Manny, and a closed road to climb and descend. awesome.

Andres and Marc getting ready. Marc is preparing the kitchen sink for his saddle bag.

Manny's sweet steel Colnago. He won all the euro points today.

Taking a break on East Fork before ascending GMR from the backside.

Marc and his flat 1.0 mile up GMR (I wasn't complaining).

Post-ride reward.


Vance said...

Kick ass.

marc66thomas said...

Ass Kicker of a ride

Spinboy said...

Fantastic day and great company. Thanks to all! The video is %&@#* awesome.

Spinboy said...

For the record, spinboy is Jaycee

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