Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Tuesday nite crit. pratice 6 PM

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Start Time & Location

Ride starts at about 6:00 PM, Tuesday nights, Rain cancels the ride.
Business Park just off of Lomita Blvd. in Torrance. Major cross streets are Lomita Blvd. at Telo Ave. between Crenshaw Blvd. and Hawthorne Blvd.
From 110 Freeway, exit Lomita Blvd. and head east to Telo Ave.
Course: Kashiwa Street, Kashiwa Court, Fujita Street, and Telo Ave.
Tuesday night training ride/race. Open group ride on open roads with minimal traffic and no stop signs.
Distance: 25 laps around a 1 mile business park loop-Typically 1 hour and 5 minutes
Anyone can show up and ride and they usually do. There's no cost!

1 comment:

marco said...

I'm there just about any Tuesday. Dave Perez and I will do a "pre-loop" around the hill most Tuesdays and we'll leave at about 4
from my place. Come ride with us. Marco 310.947.5707

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